Koragas are distributed only in Kasargod District and in the adjoining area of Karnataka State. Ninety Families living in Pavoor Colony having an extent of 311 acres of land at Manjeswaram, had embraced Christianity way back in 1913. They had a glorious history of having a Koraga region under Hubashika Raja, but later on they were enslaved by their rulers. ‘Kora’ means sun and it is said that they worship sun and hence the term ‘Koraga’ originated from it. They speak Tulu.
They live in ‘Mathadi’(settlements) and the headman is known as ‘Koppu’ or ‘Guru Kara’ who controls the social and cultural practices. They had also a council of elders for decision making and awarding punishments. Koragas were treated as agrestic slaves and were sold along with the land by their respective masters. They are experts in basketry and weaving a variety of items like winnowing fans, cradles and baskets. They collect the raw materials like bamboos, canes and creepers available from the nearby forests.
Currently the community faces severe health problems. Koraga can march ahead through planned development. A concerted effort has to be made for their economic upliftment and redeeming them from the disparities in social position as well.
Altogether, 445 families of Koraga community are settled in 11 Grama Panchayats and one Municipality in Kasaragod District. As the population of Koraga community is 1644, their family size works out to 3.69. The population consists of 802 males and 842 females and hence the sex ratio is 1000:1050.
Last updated on : 11-04-2024
Article No: 1381